Source: Electronic Arts A well-made solo adventure Especially since the title has received a number of beneficial updates since 2017. Under fire from critics, the multinational quickly rectified the situation and, today, these problems are a thing of the past for Star Wars Battlefront II. ” Seriously? I paid $ 80 to have to unlock Darth Vader? “, Lamented for example one of the first players.

Star Wars Battlefront II is first of all this game that demonized lootboxes (random rewards that can influence the gameplay) and microtransactions (purchases that can be made in the game), due to certain abuses on the part of Electronic Arts. This is the Celebration Edition, which offers, in addition to content, a host of customization items (including those inspired by the movie Star Wars : L’Ascension de Skywalker). Until January 21, it is possible to collect for free Star Wars Battlefront II, a multiplayer oriented shooter game launched by Electronic Arts in 2017. The Epic Games Store continues to spoil gamers. Launched in 2017, the shooter combines a globally successful single-player campaign and hearty online modes. Epic Games is offering Star Wars Battlefront II for one week.